
Why choose AnmandaVPN?

Unlimited bandwidth

Always unlimited bandwidth. We have no shaping or speed limits on our servers.

Strong encryption

WireGuard is currently using one of the most modern, robust and state-of-the-art cryptographic cipher suites.

Private encrypted DNS

AndamanVPN protects your internet traffic and your DNS queries by running its own encrypted DNS on every VPN server.

Full IPv6 support

Our service has full IPv6 support, you do not have to worry about IPv6 leaks from your ISP.

P2P traffic allowed

Peer-to-peer traffic and the BitTorrent protocol are allowed on all of our servers, as we strongly believe in Internet neutrality.

No logs kept

We don’t store your activity logs or connection logs on our servers.

One tap to privacy

We use the most advanced protocol, WireGuard®, to encrypt your network activity and hide your IP address.

Fast network speed

Surf, stream, game, and get work done with fast network speed using our WireGuard® powered servers.

3rd party VPN clients

These are some of the most popular 3rd party applications that work with AndamanVPN

Seamless connection

WireGuard was built with roaming in mind. You can switch between 4G and Wi-Fi without even noticing when the tunnel is roaming.


Dedicated servers protecting our users' privacy.

7-day money-back guarantee

Our VPN is easy to use. So is our guarantee. If you’re not satisfied, we’ll refund your payment. No hassle, no risk.